Sunday, May 16, 2010

Holistic Essentials - Your Natural Medicine Cabinet

Even as fairly-well versed as I am in Holistic Medicine, I still get confused from time to time as to what works best for my body nutritionally and medicinally. There are so many different therapeutic, holistic approaches for all different sorts of ailments and diseases that it can be hard to determine where to start and what to begin healing with. For most people, it's all gonna be trial and error, while some people may be really limited due to allergies. It is important to be aware of any allergies you may have as well as other sensitivities your body may exhibit. It's also advised when using any type of medicinal substance, natural or allopathic (the Western main-stream medicine we are used to) to do so with caution, and never exceed recommended doses. With this being said, let's get into a basic essential, holistic kit to always have on hand at home. Again, this will vary per person so don't be afraid to tweak it a bit.

Essential Oils
Essential Oils are true essences of different plants and herbs, derived from different parts of the plant. They are mostly produced by steam distillation and have therapeutic properties from antibiotic and detoxifying to relaxing and sedative. There are a variety of different therapeutic effects that specific essential oils can have on a person as well as a number of healing properties for certain injuries or ailments. For a Beginner's Guide to Essential Oils, check out that link.

Essential Oil Basics

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